Cara de Espelho brings together six illustrious figures of Portuguese music, combining the best of both worlds: the words and compositions of Pedro da Silva Martins (author and composer of Deolinda, Ana Moura, António Zambujo, Lena d’Água), accompanied by the purpose-built instruments and arrangements of Carlos Guerreiro (Gaiteiros de Lisboa, José Afonso, Fausto, GAC), the bass of Nuno Prata (Ornatos Violeta), the guitars of Luís J Martins (Deolinda, António Zambujo, Cristina Branco), and the percussion of Sérgio Nascimento (Sérgio Godinho, David Fonseca, Humanos, Deolinda) to serve the unmistakable voice of Maria Antónia Mendes (A Naifa, Señoritas).
The band made their intentions clear in October 2023 with “Corridinho Português” and “Político Antropófago,” the two singles that served as a preview for the self-titled album released in January 2024. Portuguese popular music then gained a new project with a very original sound, mixing tradition and contemporaneity in a delightful cocktail.
Live, in addition to the twelve tracks that make up the Cara de Espelho album and explore different sounds, both acoustic and electric, somber or celebratory, the band performs unreleased, unedited tracks to surprise the audience and provide absolutely unforgettable shows, where the sharp criticism of intervention music is not lacking, with a strong inspiration from great national performers like Sérgio Godinho, Fausto, or José Mário Branco.
Lisbon, Braga, Loulé, and Porto have already applauded the supergroup with full rooms of enthusiastic audiences in an ode to the new Portuguese popular music. Other major venues will follow suit.
“So how are expectations fulfilled? Precisely by fulfilling them. It seems redundant, but it’s just putting into practice a modern yet ancient reality. Seeing our particular face in the common mirror. The mission is well executed from the start, I say. And in that, I agree with myself, as surely many people will.” Sérgio Godinho
“Cara de Espelho: Songs that go to battle. The band is new but we know its elements well. Cara de Espelho promises to stir the waters with combat music, as poetic as it is interventionist.” Visão
“From the ashes of Deolinda or A Naifa, Cara de Espelho is not just a supergroup. It’s a ‘blood transfusion’ in Portuguese music.” Expresso
“Cara de Espelho: Intervention music that came ‘to annoy.’ Bringing together people from Deolinda, Gaiteiros, A Naifa, Ornatos Violeta, and They’re Heading West, they are born from the urgency of putting political song in the service of the fight for democracy. With identifiable targets.” Público
No tour date set